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Faithful Love, young, naïve and looking to get ahead, no matter the cost.
Dexter Hunter, older, intelligent and looking for love.When these two get together, sparks fly…
but will it last?
Dex is desperate to fix Faith but how do you fill a hole in someone who’s always looking for the next best thing?
Faith is a woman so broken that she’d sell her children to find her next hit.
A mother who poisons and destroys everything and anyone around her.
A father who is blind to her faults and can’t function without her.
Follow Faith and Dex’s tragic story that turned their oldest son Truthful into Truth.
Truth defies all odds, making the world his own as he emerges from the ashes of a disadvantaged childhood to become a world-renowned Rock God.
If you love the Savage Angels MC Series, you'll know who Truth is.
Find out where it all began in this fast-paced and empowering story from childhood to stardom.